Troubleshooting and frequently asked questions

This document provides answers to frequently asked questions and solutions for some common troubleshooting issues.

If you need more help, you can open a ticket.

Frequently asked questions

How do I check the current status of the process?

Run the following command to check the current status of the ELevate process:

/scripts/elevate-cpanel --status

Where are the current stage and status stored?

They are stored in the /var/cpanel/elevate JSON file as values for the stage_number and status keys.

During execution the stage_number key is set to 1 through 5. When the process completes, the stage_number key is set to 6.

The possible values for status key are:

  • running
  • paused
  • success
  • failed

Where is the ELevate log file?

You can view the main log from the /scripts/elevate-cpanel script with the following command:

/scripts/elevate-cpanel --log

Where are Leapp issues logged?

Logs for the Leapp process are located in the following files:

  • /var/log/leapp/leapp-report.txt
  • /var/log/leapp/leapp-report.json

How do I continue the ELevate process if it stops?

Address any reported issues, then continue the existing process with the following command:

/scripts/elevate-cpanel --continue


The ELevate process is locked on stage 1

If the ELevate process is locked on stage 1 and the process appears to be looping, run the following command to unlock the process:

   /scripts/elevate-cpanel --start

You can also unlock the process with the following steps:

  1. Clear the previous stage with the following command. Do not use this option if the process is past Stage 2.
 /scripts/elevate-cpanel --clean
  1. Restart the ELevate process:
 /scripts/elevate-cpanel --start

The CCS service will not start after ELevate succeeds

This error can occur if the schema failed to update.

Perform the following steps to correct this error:

NOTE: Only remove or reinstall cpanel-z-push if it was installed prior to running ELevate or it is currently installed.

Check the status of the package

Run the following command to check the status of the package:

RHEL-based systems:

rpm -q cpanel-z-push

UbuntuĀ®-based systems:

apt list --installed | grep cpanel-z-push

Remove and reinstall the CCS service

Perform the following steps to remove and reinstall the CCS service:

  1. Remove the package:

RHEL-based systems:

dnf -y remove cpanel-ccs-calendarserver cpanel-z-push

Ubuntu-based systems:

apt -y purge cpanel-ccs-calendarserver cpanel-z-push
  1. Remove the cpanel-ccs user’s home directory
rm -rf /opt/cpanel-ccs/
  1. Install the package(s)


dnf -y install cpanel-ccs-calendarserver cpanel-z-push

Ubuntu-based systems:

apt -y install cpanel-ccs-calendarserver cpanel-z-push
  1. Clear the queueprocd task queue
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/servers_queue run
  1. Verify that the cpanel-ccs service is running with the following command:
/scripts/restartsrv_cpanel_ccs --status

The output will resemble the following example if the service is running:

cpanel-ccs (CalendarServer 9.3+fbd0e11675cc0f64a425581b5c8398cc1e09cb6a [Combined] ) is running as cpanel-ccs with PID 1865839 (systemd+/proc check method)
  1. Import the CCS data.

The CCS data failed to import during elevate

This data is exported to the /var/cpanel/elevate_ccs_export/ directory during the ELevate process.

Run the following command as the root user to import the data for every user:

/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl -MCpanel::Config::Users -e 'require "/var/cpanel/perl5/lib/"; my @users = Cpanel::Config::Users::getcpusers(); foreach my $user (@users) { my $import_data = { user => $user, extract_dir => "/var/cpanel/elevate_ccs_export/$user", }; CCSHooks::pkgacct_restore( undef, $import_data ); }'

To import a single user run the following command, where CPTEST represents the username:

/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl -e 'require "/var/cpanel/perl5/lib/"; my $import_data = { user => "CPTEST", extract_dir => "/var/cpanel/elevate_ccs_export/CPTEST", }; CCSHooks::pkgacct_restore( undef, $import_data );'